Gunstock | XLX Multi-Protocol Reflector

CNHARC is currently running a second XLX multi-protocol reflector, XLXCNH. The purpose of this reflector is to link the W1CNH, W1JY, and W1CEN repeaters over the cnharcNET point to point microwave network.

In the event that the public internet is down, having this ‘private’ XLX reflector allows the above repeaters to stay linked for wide area D-Star coverage. In normal conditions, this reflector is inter-linked to DCS026.

Access to this XLX reflector is only via the repeaters located on the cnharcNET private microwave network. There is no external linking to this reflector. When you connect to DCS026 you are automatically connect via the ‘peer’ system.

In order to obtain the latest hot file, you can click on this link and a xlx_hostfile.txt will be created and downloaded to your computer.

Generate me a XLX Hostfile please (click this link).

Once you have the file, you can add the entries into the following host files on your hotspot:

DCS_Hosts.txt (to make a DCS connection)
DPlus_Hosts.txt (to make a REF connection)
DExtra_Hosts.txt (to make a XRF connection)
These files are typically located in the /usr/local/etc folder on your hotspot image.