Franklin | Digital Voice Reflector

CNHARC is currently hosting, at the Franklin site, a xreflector DCS026. This reflector is running on a 64bit, Dell R210 II 1U server with 16G of ram and (2) 500GB SATA hard drives and utilizing VMWare ESXi visualization software. The operating system is CentoOS 6.7. This reflector is unique in that it has the ability to accept connections from the public internet and our new intranet (cnharcNet).

We currently have our D-Star repeater/gateways utilizing reflector XLX603 as their ‘home’ location on the B module and our other repeaters and public gateways using this XLX026. We plan to add Echolink and the analog FM repeaters to additional modules so users can link and communicate across the different platforms.